
Decision Information

Decision Content

Reliance Electric Industrial Co. v. Northern Telecom Ltd.


Reed J.


13 pp.

Claim of patent found invalid in same case ((1989), 28 C.P.R. (3d) 397 (F.C.T.D.)) as being vague and lacking in specificity-Appeal to Federal Court of Appeal allowed ((1992), 44 C.P.R. (3d) 161), matter referred back to Trial Judge for continuation of trial-Invention claimed broader than invention made-Plaintiffs not entitled to claim broadly and then to introduce limitations into claims in order to avoid prior art-Interpretation of claims and of whole patent matter for Court-Claims must be read in context of whole patent including specifications and drawings-Overly technical interpretations should not defeat patent claim-Description of alleged invention absent in claims herein-Claim 1 invalid as being broader than invention made.

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