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Bone v. Sioux Valley Indian Band No. 290 Council


Heald D.J.


41 pp.

Application for judicial review to obtain declaration, writ of quo warranto, writ of mandamus, injunction under Federal Court Act, s. 18-Election for Band Chief, Band Council held on March 14, 1994 by Sioux Valley Indian Band No. 290-Prior to March 14, 1994, Band election procedures governed by provisions of Indian Act-Band considering reverting to set of election procedures based on Band custom-Two plebiscites held on June 28, 30, 1993 to demonstrate support of Band membership for repeal of s. 74 ministerial order-Majority of voters in favour of proposal-Sioux Valley Dakota Oyate Custom Election Code drafted to reduce Band's custom into recognizable form-By order dated February 7, 1994, Deputy Minister revoking ministerial order of December 14, 1989-On or after March 14, 1994, council of Band selected in accordance with custom of Band-Respondent Hall elected to office of Band Chief on March 14, 1994-Applicant appealing election of respondent Hall on basis residency requirement in Code, Regulations not met-Code, paragraph 7 requiring candidates for Band Council to have resided on reserve for past 12 months prior to election-Election Appeals Board ordering new general election be held-Respondent Hall refusing to step down as chief, respondent Band Council refusing to call new election-Whether applicant out of time in bringing application under Federal Court Act, ss. 18(3), 18.1(2)-Issue of limitation provision in relation to writ of quo warranto, writ of mandamus need not be determined-Court having jurisdiction to grant declaratory relief pursuant to application for judicial review under Federal Court Act, s. 18(1)(a), (3)-Election of Band Council conducted pursuant to Band custom-Whether Code, Regulations reflecting Band's custom-Definition of "elector" in Indian Act, s. 2 not containing requirement elector be resident on reserve-Respondents correct in submitting non-resident Band members should have been given opportunity to vote in plebiscites-Non-compliance with Department's policy having no effect on validity of Deputy Minister's order repealing s. 74 order-No clear evidence establishing which draft version of Code available to voters at time of plebiscite, whether or not contained residency clause-March 14, 1994 election held in accordance with Code-Custom of Band should not necessarily be written into Code, by-laws-Code valid, election having legal basis, results standing subject to ruling of Elections Appeal Board-Conduct of Band, in acquiescing in use of Code, generally acceptable to members of band, upon which broad consensus, therefore reflecting Band's custom-Code in force as of March 14, 1994-Sioux Valley Dakota Oyate Custom Elections Regulations not available to voters at time of plebiscites-Enacted ultra vires jurisdiction of Band Council as not submitted to community for approval contrary to enabling provision in Code-Order of Elections Appeal Board declaring new general election be held invalid as Board without jurisdiction to grant such order-Whether respondent Hall disentitled from holding office by virtue of residency requirement set out in Code-Not eligible to run for Chief if did not reside on Reserve for 12 months prior to election date-Respondent Hall did not reside on Reserve as of March 14, 1993-Not eligible to run as candidate for Chief in March 14, 1994 election, not entitled to hold office as Chief-Whether quo warranto should issue-One serious impediment to order of quo warranto: applicant acquiesced in respondent's candidacy for office of Band Chief-Fact sufficient to render order in nature of quo warranto inappropriate-No basis for Court to make order in nature of mandamus requiring Band Council to hold new general election-Application allowed in part-Federal Court Act, R.S.C., 1985, c. F-7, ss. 18 (as am. by S.C. 1990, c. 8, s. 4), 18.1 (as enacted idem, s. 5)-Indian Act, R.S.C., 1985, c. I-5, s. 74.

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