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Liquor Control Board of Ontario and C. Da Silva (Vinhos) S.A.R.L. (Plaintiffs)
M.S. "Inga" Schiffahrtsges, Dietrich Sander Bereederungs G.m.b.H. & Co., Dietrich Sander, E.G. Thomson & Co., Federal Atlantic Lakes Line, Federal Commerce and Navigation Company Limited and the Owners and Charterers of the Vessels Bentainer and Benhiant (Defendants)
Trial Division, Walsh J.—Montreal, February 24 and 26, 1975.
Jurisdiction—Motion to dismiss service of statement of claim—Defendants owners of ship—Cargo transferred to second ship—Whether damage occuring within jurisdiction of Court—Federal Court Rule 307.
Defendants M.S. "Inga" Schiffahrtsges, Dietrich Sander Bereederungs G.m.b.H. & Co., and Dietrich Sander moved to dismiss service of the statement of claim. Defendants were owners and operators of the ship Bentainer, on which a cargo of liquor was shipped from Leixoes, Portugal, to Antwerp, Bel- gium. Cargo was then transhipped to the Benhiant, owned by defendants E.G. Thomson Bulk Carriers Limited and William Thomson & Co., and chartered by Federal Commerce and Navigation Company, for shipment to Toronto. Defendants maintain that any damage which may have occurred to the cargo while on board the Bentainer did not occur within the jurisdiction of the Court.
Held, dismissing the motion, there was only one bill of lading, indicating place of receipt as Leixoes and port of lading as Antwerp, with port of discharge shown as Toronto. This was on a Federal Atlantic Lakes Line bill of lading; this company, along with Federal Commerce and Navigation Company Lim ited, has its head office in Montreal. Plaintiffs cannot say where the loss occurred, and under Rule 307, service ex furls is left to the discretion of the Court, which discretion has been properly exercised.
Oy Nokia Ab v. The "Martha Russ" [1974] 1 F.C. 410, distinguished.
No one for plaintiff.
T. Bishop for defendants M.S. "Inga" Schif- fahrtsges, Dietrich Sander Bereederungs G.m.b.H. & Co. and Dietrich Sander.
Du Vernet, Carruthers, Toronto, for plaintiffs.
Brisset, Bishop & Davidson, Montreal, for defendants.
The following are the reasons for judgment rendered in English by
WALSH J.: Defendants, M.S. "Inga" Schif- fahrtsges, Dietrich Sander Bereederungs G.m.b.H. & Co., and Dietrich Sander moved to dismissed the service of the statement of claim on them. This motion follows a conditional appearance filed on January 22, 1975 pursuant to an order of the Court of January 13, 1975 permitting this condi tional appearance. The claim in the action results from loss of a portion of a cargo of liquor stuffed in containers in Leixoes, Portugal and shipped on the vessel Bentainer of which defendants M.S. "Inga" Schiffahrtsges, Dietrich Sander Bereede- rungs G.m.b.H. & Co., and Dietrich Sander are allegedly the owners and operators or managers for shipment to Antwerp, Belgium where said containers were transhipped to the Benhiant owned by defendants E.G. Thomson Bulk Carriers Limited and William Thomson & Co., and char tered by defendant Federal Commerce and Navi gation Company Limited for shipment to Toronto where the loss was first ascertained. Despite the similarity in names, it is not alleged that there was any connection between the Bentainer and the Benhiant as to ownership or management. It is the contention of defendants M.S. "Inga" Schif- fahrtsges, Dietrich Sander Bereederungs G.m.b.H. & Co. and Dietrich Sander that the voyage of the Bentainer was between Leixoes, Portugal and Ant- werp, Belgium, she did not at any time come within the territorial waters of Canada and that if any damage took place to the shipments while on board the Bentainer this did not take place within the jurisdiction of this Court, that the agents of the Bentainer in Portugal who arranged to consoli date plaintiffs' shipments were acting in their capacity as agents for the consignee in Belgium and for defendant Federal Commerce and Naviga tion Company Limited, which latter company was not at any time the charterer nor the owner of the Bentainer.
The plaintiffs claim damages in both breach of contract and tort and are apparently not in a position to determine specifically where the loss took place. A large number of containers were received on board the Bentainer at Leixoes under a clean bill of lading which foresaw the tranship- ment of the goods at Antwerp to Toronto. The bill of lading indicates place of receipt as Leixoes and port of loading as Antwerp and carriage by the Bentainer with the name of the vessel to complete the carriage from Antwerp left in blank but the port of discharge being shown as Toronto. This was on a Federal Atlantic Lakes Line bill of lading form which defendant, together with Federal Commerce and Navigation Company Limited has its head office in the City of Montreal, in the Province of Quebec. The facts in this case are therefore substantially different from those in the case of Oy Nokia Ab v. The `Martha Russ"' on which defendants M.S. "Inga" Schiffahrtsges, Dietrich Sander Bereederungs G.m.b.H. & Co., and Dietrich Sander rely. In that case there were clearly two separate bills of lading and the judg ment also refers to the fact on page 414:
... that no satisfactory reason has been established why, when the plaintiff was aware before the goods left Germany that damage had been sustained, steps were not taken there in the presence of the defendant, E. Russ & Co. or its representative to have the extent of such damage ascertained.
This is not the case here where it is apparent that plaintiffs are not in a position to say where the loss occurred. The said judgment also refers to the fact that Rule 307 of the Federal Court Rules respect ing service ex juris leaves this to the discretion of the Court and on the affidavit and facts before him at the time, Gibson J. properly exercised his discretion in granting the order for service ex juris dated September 23, 1974. On the present motion, to set this order aside with respect to the defend ants M.S. "Inga" Schiffahrtsges, Dietrich Sander Bereederungs G.m.b.H. & Co., and Dietrich Sander I find that the additional information adduced by the supporting affidavit does not justi fy setting this service aside and that said defend ants M.S. "Inga" Schiffahrtsges, Dietrich Sander Bereederungs G.m.b.H. & Co., and Dietrich
' [1974]I F.C. 410.
Sander should properly remain parties to the proceedings.
Motion is dismissed, with costs.
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.